Friday, May 14, 2010

Random musings, or Bounce

Starting off again can be hard. I know, because I have restarted blogging after a long gap many times before this. The tough question is always, What should I write about, that may be worth reading?
Inevitably, the answer is, Nothing. Your thinking is completely random and has absolutely no point whatsoever. You just go from one random thought to another, with only the slightest shred of relation between the two. Also, you need to exercise.

While the last sentence is absolutely true, the fact that I think randomly shouldn't stop me from blogging. I mean, it's not like I have an audience to please or expectations to live up to. This frees me, and allows me to say whatever I want. Very thinking out loud. And because I can think out loud...

I shall be blogging about random things. But not just blogging randomly. Oh, no. My random posts will follow a procedure which has been going on in my head, and which a friend recently started on her blog. I call it, The Bounce.

Explanation of The Bounce

  1. You see, my thoughts work in a manner which can be compared to reading Wikipedia.
  2. Each thought about a different, individual thing is like a particular article.
  3. While reading an article, you come across something which you find interesting. You follow the link to the next article. It doesn't matter how tenuous the connection is, you just have to notice it and be interested in it.
  4. You reach the next article. Repeat step 2.
That's what my thinking is like. And it is enormous fun, especially if you try tracing back to the original thought after you've gone some way.

For example:

Dragons – Eragon – Jeremy Irons – Lion King – Hamlet – Macbeth – Vishal Bharadwaj – Bihar – Laloo Prasad Yadav...
and so on.

You see? In only a few thoughts you've gone from dragons to Laloo. And it's not like this was the only way to go. I could have gone to Evelyn Waugh from Jeremy Irons, and thence to P G Wodehouse, or Elton John from Lion King, and thence to Watford Football Club.
It's an amazing magical world we have in our heads.

Right. Back to the point. Once in a while, when the blogging is slow, I will post a Bounce article. I have no clue what they'll be on. I'll speak a little bit about a subject, and keep getting sidetracked until... I don't know. At some point I'll start thinking again about stuff I've already written down, and I think I shall ease myself to a halt around then.

Like now. I find myself, not disturbed, or even perturbed, more... viewing with raised eyebrows, the fact that I compared thinking to reading Wikipedia. I suppose one can call it indicative of our times. WikiBounce. Like that xkcd...

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