Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fond memories....

...of this man are probably evoked by his epitaph. This grave lies near the city of Hamilton in Canada, a few hundred feet away from the Webster falls, named after this Webster's ancestors.  His first name escapes me, but I wasn't able to forget-amidst the picturesque trees and the beautiful, woody path- stumbling upon this prize of a statement:

For those who can't make out what it says, the epitaph goes:

Come near my friends and cast an eye
Then go your way prepare to die;
Learn your doom and know you must
One day like me be turned to dust.

I sincerely wish that, when I die, words of a similar effect be spread far and wide in my memory. It would be a wonderful prospect to look up and see such poisonous sentiments being spread in my humble name.

My favourite part however is the last line added, perhaps as an afterthought, perhaps to soften the effect of the venom. I prefer to view as an example of how sarcasm transcends various mediums, from conversation to epitaphs- A loving husband, a dutiful son, an affectionate brother.

1 comment:

TheBeardedLady said...

I remember that! I love how the first line is mysteriously highlighted.

How did you get ahold of this?


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